Our Story
Our workshops are about creating a safe space for a small group of individuals to come together, share their experiences, emotions, and ideas with each other.
They connect as a group, listening and learning from one another, gaining understanding and empathy.

Our Roots
Formerly The Dick & Jane Project, WAV’s mission is to amplify to empower underrepresented voices through creativity . Founded as an after-school songwriting program by Columbus-based charter school administrator Ben Shinabery in 2011, WAV has since provided programming in over 40 Central Ohio schools, and 25 community programs, and currently directly impact 3,800 individuals annually.
Our Process
We lead groups through a healing-centered creative process, that involves different mediums from recording a radio quality song, to painting, writing and performing poetry, learning to sing, and performance.
WAV sessions focus on building self-esteem, character, and collaboration skills aligned to Social Emotional Learning strategies. Through interactive activities, group discussions, mindfulness exercises and collaborative creativity, participants get to know themselves and develop: respect for themselves and others; awareness of self and emotions; self-regulation skills; critical thinking and problem solving.
WAV Team
Board of Directors

Our Community


